
Retain valuable customers while generating revenue

Can you afford to fall behind your competition? Are you looking for new, innovative ways to reach your clients? We can help you gain that edge. People appreciate companies that help them save valuable time, look out for their pocket-books, and can help them from the convenience of their own home.

Add our VetCare Emergency Fund Program

24/7 unlimited Veterinarian triage services

Connect with a 5 year + experienced Vet at anytime

Connect with our Vets by texting and attaching images or videos

We offer translation in 103 different languages

Up to $3,000 towards an emergency Vet bill

EVPC memberships can be applied to any one of 6 family pets

No restrictions on age or breed for the pet owner

No pre-qualifying necessary

Low monthly cost

Free lost and found portal for pet parents

Engages clients

Fosters loyalty

Retains current customers

Generates money

Increases sales

Gives you an edge over your competitors

Incentive for new customer acquisitions

Provides exemplary service to your pet parents at a low cost

Enhances brand awareness

And of course….. helps pets

We offer SDK or Web SDK applications

We offer white label apps and custom branding unique to your needs

In house reporting

IT support

We will customize and cater to your business needs

Contact us with ease

Get in touch

Reach out to find out more information about our partnership opportunities. We’d love to hear from you.